
Slicer Sujihiki 240mm Haiku Damas

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Limited Edition of 50 pieces each year !

Japanese made damascus knives. As rare as it is beautiful, this is the quote that can be given to Haiku Damas series with the Iwashi-Gumo damascus pattern also called Haiku Damas Limited Edition. Each piece is unique and made like a goldsmithing piece. Only 50 models of each blade of the Haiku Damas Iwashi-Gumo Urushi series is made every year. The Haiku Damas Japanese knives are the high-end is the Japanese knife cutlery world and enter the shining ornament blade category, in complete contrast with the black forged series Haiku Kurouchi, well-known, since Haiku debut that as popularized the black forged blues internationally. 

Made in the forge of Sakaï located south of Osaka city Japan, the series honored centuries-old craftsmanship from the second city of Japan known worldwide today for making traditional Japanese kitchen knives. Masters cutlers who make those beautiful Japanese knives are accomplished craftsman’s who register themselves in a knowledge course given from generation to generation.  

The Iwashi-Gumo japanese damascus

Since smiths are able to work steel they where confronted to a dilemma : obtaining chock resisting blades also referred as elastic, or having blades sharper which lasts in time. The solution is to mix different layers of steel of different types. The multi-layered technique is now called « damascus ». Haiku Damas Limited Edition bring an astonishing damascus blade with a unique beauty commonly called « cloud damascus ». A damascus that need long a longer working time and a pledge to the knifemaker that prouve the guarantee of quality of his work in the smallest details. 

Japanese poetry is again well introduce in the Haiku world. The expression Iawashigumo means sardines clouds. Is appeared for the first time in an ancient haïku in the Genroku period (1688-1704). Then the great haïkist Issa took it back. Haïku poetry are used to express ideas in a few words, and picture it.

To the blade is added a hand graving in Japanese kanjis of the word « Haiku ». The engraving, beyond bringing an authentic touch, put the knife in an artistic dimensions where the virtuosity of the engraver bring back all the meticulosity of all preceding steps. 

Japanese knife with a unique handle 

The handle is a breath of fresh air, unique by his colors on the Japanese traditional octogonal shape made with Japanese oak wood. This tricolored handle make two time space collide, ancient art and contemporary esthetics. The handle is made with secret techniques for an unique result. The smoke part of the handle is made of the technique called Urushi. 

The blade is cemented in the handle and is compatible with professional work being at the same time a visual beauty for individuals.  

The softness of the handle is an attention note dear to Haiku that follows every of our series. It bring an important confort in hand. The handle is itself a goldsmithing piece as it is complex to produced and push forward the Urushi technique. 

A exceptional Japanese knife

Haiku honored the high-end craftsmanship of the city of Sakaï with this series made by accomplished cutlery masters. 

Specificities :

  • Steel : Japanese 1% carbon steel. Iwashi-Gumo 64 layers damascus cloud
  • Handle : Urishi tricolored with traditional octogonal shape
  • Sharpening : ambidextrous V, 15° on each side
  • Engraving : hand-engraved kanji
  • Manufacturing : Made in Sakaï, Japan by Haiku International
  • Existing model 1/50 per year

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